Saturday, February 18, 2017

tmux cheat sheet

A few commands that are useful to know. src.

managing sessions

tmux new -s foobar          | creates a new tmux session with given name foobar
tmux attach -t foobar       | attaches to an existing tmux session named foobar
tmux list-sessions          | list all available tmux sessions
tmux switch -t foobar       | switches to a session named foobar
tmux detach (ctrl + b, + d) | detach from the current session

managing windows

tmux new-window (ctrl + b, + c)     | create a new tmux window
tmux select-window -t :0-9 (ctrl + b, + 0-9) | choose an existing tmux window
tmux rename-window (ctrl + b, + ,)  | rename an existing tmux window

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

installing word-rnn on ubuntu server 16.04.

to install the pcre luarock:
sudo /mirror/$USER/torch/install/bin/luarocks install lrexlib-pcre PCRE_DIR=/usr/ PCRE_LIBDIR=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Because the PCRE files end up in some very weird places. 

download changes from git

So this should work when I've got multiple copies of the repo on different computers.  Run this (and the first two commands are optional) to refresh the local repo to the latest version.
git reset --hard HEAD
git clean -f
Those two will remove any local changes.  The last one actually gets the new version.
git pull

Thursday, February 2, 2017

branches on github

While github recommends that branches be made locally, I prefer the data security of keeping them off-site.  This is how to manage and merge a branch that's kept remote, on github.

Checkout a new branch on your computer (this is not something on github)
git checkout -b <branch>
Push the branch to github - now there's a new branch up there.
git push origin <branch>
And to switch to a different branch, use
git checkout <branch>

git cheat sheet

Still learning the system.
git init                |  Tell git to start watching the directory
git clone <repo>        |  Get a local copy of the repository
.gitignore              |  Contains patterns of files to ignore
git rm --cached <file>  |  Stop tracking the file in git
git add <file>          |  Stage a snapshot of the file
git rm <file>           |  Stage the file's removal
git mv <a> <b>          |  Rename 'a' to 'b' and stage the change
git status              |  Staging status of files
git status -s           |  Simpler version of status
git commit              |  Upload to server
git commit -m "txt"     |  Commit, with inline message

basic github - working with a cloned repository

How to use github properly.  Just the basics: cloning a repo, making a change, and uploading the change back to github.


how-to: summary

This is the super simple version with no commentary, and just a bit of explanatory text.  Remember, the warnings come after the spells.

Getting set up

Install git

sudo apt-get install git

configure login email address

Set your github name.
git config --global "YOUR NAME"
set your email address to private in github. Go there:
profile --> settings --> emails --> [] keep my email address private
Set the global github private email address.
git config --global ""
Double-check the email address.
git config --global

connect to github with https

Hold onto the github password for a while.
git config --global credential.helper cache
Extend the password timeout period.
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=1800'

making changes to a current project

First, create a local clone of your fork: I'm using the MPI Torch project as an example.
mkdir ~/projects && cd ~/projects
git clone
cd mpiT
Create or modify a file in your local repository, then stage it.
echo "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" >>
touch laughing.txt && echo "hahahaha" > laughing.txt
git add
git add laughing.txt
Monitor the staging process.
git status -s
Commit your staged files prior to uploading.
git commit -m "write a commit message here"
Check that 'origin' is the correct short name of the github server.
git remote -v
Push your commit to the github server
git push origin master

how-to: annotated version

Getting set up

Install git

sudo apt-get install git

configure login email address

Tell git your name - who to credit your work to.
git config --global "YOUR NAME"
configure your email address - you can keep your real one private by combining your github username with a special github email domain.  First, change github settings to keep the email address private.  Go to:
profile --> settings --> emails --> [] keep my email address private
Now configure your email address.  This tells git and github to use the private email address for all repositories downloaded to the computer.
git config --global ""
You can confirm the email address with this command:
git config --global

connect to github

We're going to use HTTPS to download, and we're not going to deal with 2-factor authentication, and we are going to use a password manager to avoid repeatedly entering passwords.

This tells git to hold onto the github password for a while.
git config --global credential.helper cache
And this controls how long that 'while' is - default is 15 minutes, but I feel like 30 (it's counted in seconds).
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=1800'

making changes to a current project

We'll assume, for the moment, that you have an ongoing project - this is going to be either a copy ("fork") of someone else's project, or something you've already started uploading to github and want to keep working on The Right Way.  Since this is your ongoing project, you own it and have full permissions to mess with it.  You're also not going to be merging it with some other repository.

The idea behind the many steps involved with making changes (staging, the head, etc.), is to allow for both minor and major changes - a simple tweak by one guy vs. a complete overhaul vs. a new feature.  The really big changes can be made in forks of the project that get merged with the original (upstream) version, the sizable changes can be made in branches of the current fork (or original repository), and the small changes can be verified by the rest of the team prior to being added directly to a branch (master/primary or otherwise) of the current repository.  

It's a great system, but a real pity there's no simple way to get started.

First, create a local clone of your fork: I'm using the MPI Torch project as an example.  Make sure you have a place to put it.
mkdir ~/projects && cd ~/projects
The .git link you need to download with is on github -- look over on the right where the opened menu is:

The link is over on the left.  After you've got it, run the command below (or your equivalent, on a project you can make changes to).  
git clone
cd mpiT
Now you've "created a local clone" of your repository/fork. Nice! You've got the code on your computer.  I'm pretty sure that everything else you do with github related to that 'local clone' has to be done while you're 'within the directory' -cd'd inside mpiT (in this case).

As you change files, git will be watching - anything you change will be marked modified, anything you don't change will be marked unmodified.  You can stage a file whenever you want to record a snapshot of your current progress (and you can undo snapshots, too, but that's not needed here).  Staged files are added to your next commit.

A commit is a collection of files that are being prepared for upload - until the commit is pushed, it's all local to your machine.

Let's pretend you go ahead and make some changes to the code you downloaded.  Maybe you added something to the  Remember, you're still in the ~/projects/mpiT/ directory:
echo "This is super important stuff!" >>
If we check which tracked files have been changed, git will tell us that has been modified, and has not yet been 'staged' for the next commit to the server.
git status
if you're ready to stage the file, run
git add
you can also use the git add command on a directory, and it will recursively stage everything in the directory for the next commit.

If you want to add a new file to the repository
echo "hahahaha" > laughing.txt
you have to tell git to track it -
git add laughing.txt
and it will be automatically staged (what else was git supposed to do with it?).

Also note that if you stage a file, and then edit it again, the staged version will remain whatever version you had when you ran git add.  If you want to stage the new version, you have to run git add again.

Use git status to monitor the version of each file being staged.  Use
git status -s
to get a less 'verbose' version of the status output.  When everything has been edited and modified and staged properly, use
git commit -m "write a commit message here"
to upload your changes.  Keep the quotation marks when you write your message, which is intended to tell others what changes you made.  If you don't include the -m "commit message" bit, then you'll be prompted for a longform message in a command line text editor.

While in the directory, git will automatically name the server you cloned from "origin".  That way, when you need to do something related to the online github version of your code, you can reference it with "origin".

Here, you can check the name of the remote repository you're working with.  A "remote repository" is what you call the online (i.e., not-on-your-laptop) version of the code.   You can add more, but that's not needed here.
git remote
You should see the name used to refer to the repository -
just as discussed above.  And if you want to see exactly what server 'origin' refers to, you can run
git remote -v
to see a list - in my case, probably something like this:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
Back on track: let's upload the commit you assembled (the commit: your collection of staged files).  It's called pushing, and you do it like this:
git push origin master
Now the changes you made on your computer have been uploaded to github.  That's it!

Accelerate an OpenBSD NFS server

The nfs server on openbsd has been super slow.  I thought it was the result of wifi + an old computer until I tried an scp download.  the difference was several orders of magnitude.  Anyway, the solution was to cut down the size of the data packets used by the protocol.

Here's my /etc/fstab - the change is in bold.  Apparently there's a sweet spot of not-too-small and not-too-big.  These sizes are measured in bytes, by the way.  That's a packet size of 4 kb that I'm specifying.
one:/home/admin/storage     /storage  nfs  rsize=4096,wsize=4096  0 0

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Just a quick note - following the instructions I've put up elsewhere here, the only thing to add for an RPI is that rpc.statd needs to be started for the network mount to work.  Run this before the sudo mount -a command:
sudo service rpcbind restart

Remove known host from Secure Shell

So, I have an old chromebook that I use as a thin client (first generation - no, not a CR-48).  Problem is, RSA keys change and I don't have a proper shell.  Just 'secure shell'.  This command removes a known host from the known_hosts file.  src.

Open up Secure Shell as a browser tab.  Go
'that-funny-button-for-misc-options' --> More Tools--> Developer Tools
Go to the Console tab.  In the console, enter the following, where foo is the index number of the host record that you need to remove.

NFS server on OpenBSD

I still use OpenBSD for my server, so here goes setting up an NFS on it.  This is a fantastic resource.

Note: if having trouble with the vi text editor, I listed a few simple commands elsewhere on the blog.  For now, a few quick reminders:
i        -->       enters Insert mode (where you can enter text)
[ESC]    -->       enters command mode
:w       -->       saves the file (have to be in command mode)
:q       -->       exits the file (have to be in command mode)

Let's call the shared folder 'storage'.  We'll put it in the home directory of the user 'admin'.  We have to create the user, and the folder.
useradd -b /home/faculty/ -s /bin/bash -m admin
passwd admin
Let's use the password
since this is a local machine, and I'm assuming that the folks on the LAN are friendly.

Next, make sure the new user owns their home directory.
chown -R admin: admin
And then create the shared directory inside /home/admin,
mkdir /home/admin/storage
and make sure that everyone can read/write to that spot.
chmod -R 777 /home/admin/storage
I think nfs can be activated by adding the following to rc.conf.local. (src; might not be updated, and I can't see more than the first bit)
vi /etc/rc.conf.local
add to the end of the file:
OR, I can run these two commands.  There's this thing about multiple server instances, so that I can handle concurrent requests, that I can control with the following commands...I just don't know if the services will be enabled after a reboot.
rcctl enable portmap mountd nfsd
rcctl set nfsd flags -tun 4
Once the services are started, the /etc/exports file needs an entry.  This is how the machine knows to share the folder - and who to share it to.
vi /etc/exports
add to the bottom (this gives everyone accessing the folder root access),
/home/admin/storage -alldirs -mapall=root
Now the nfs service can be started
rcctl start portmap mountd nfsd
and in case you edited the /etc/exports file while the NFS was running, restart the service.
rcctl reload mountd


to mount the new network folder, you have to create your own location for the folder to present itself, and then set the folder to automount.

Also, don't forget to install the nfs software.  It came default on OpenBSD, but not so much on Linux Mint.
sudo apt-get install nfs-server -y
create /storage in the root directory
sudo mkdir /storage
give everyone all permissions
chmod 777 /storage
edit the fstab to automount the folder - we'll assume the hostname of the OpenBSD server is 'server1'
sudo nano /etc/fstab
and add this to the bottom of the file
server1:/home/admin/storage     /storage  nfs 
and remount everything
sudo mount -a
that's it!  You should have full access to the network folder.

Final post here

I'm switching over to github pages .  The continuation of this blog (with archives included) is at .  By the way, the ...